my story


ON MARCH 17, 2017, AT 11:11PM, I found out I was pregnant with My first child, My son.

And on that same night, at 9:50pm, My husband (My son’s dad) died from a Fentanyl overdose.

My husband died before knowing that he was going to be a dad, but that is how it had to be.

My husband gave his life, so My son and I could live. Now, I did not come to this conclusion easily— this was a looooooong process. I know for a FACT that if I weren’t pregnant when My husband died, I would have relapsed and drank Myself to death!

I’m in recovery— I’m a recovering alcoholic. Yep, I’m sober! My sobriety date is 10-8-2016. The Universe/God had other, MUCH BIGGER plans for Me— I was NOT going to be dying anytime soon— I was going to be a mom to a beautiful little boy!

And guess how I finally HEALED from My PTSD after My husband’s death?

Yep, you guessed it— I healed from My PTSD through My Mediumship gift— by talking to My husband after he crossed over into the Spirit Realm!


READY?— I don’t know if I was exactly READY, but I guess God/the Universe thought it was time.


In MAY 2023, I had a series of “happenings”— the best way to explain My experience was that of a NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE— a traumatic experience that I’d never like to repeat— FUCKING EVER. The things that I saw and experienced made Steven King movies look like Disney flicks. That shit ain’t right, y’all!

It was then that I realized monsters are fucking real as fuck. Damn it! Why can’t that shit just stay in the storybooks?

I didn’t realize it at the time how important My acts of kindness really were— they helped save My life!

That nightmare of “happenings” was the catalyst that helped reveal My gift of Mediumship. Pretty fucked up, right?

It was like a light switch clicked ON in My brain— and My brain OPENED UP, and I now had the ability/willingness to understand that there are limitless possibilities and that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! And that I can communicate with Spirits now. BEYOND cool.

And so, My Mediumship journey began. IT’S BEEN WILD.

I think I talk to the dead more than the living. Sometimes the dead feel more “alive” than the living.

I’ve learned so much about the Spirit World— it’s incredibly fascinating— truly mind-blowing.